On Spring

April 10, 2011

It’s almost feeling like actual Spring here in the North East. Lot’s of yellow flowers revealed themselves this week, only to be met with a whole lot of gray drizzle. Yesterday was pretty brilliant though.

Doug was amazing yesterday. I was working on a project all day from the kitchen table all day, fueled by the best breakfast ever.

Fluffiest Blueberry Cinnamon Pancakes

Let’s take a moment to talk about coffee.

Stove Percolated. Always.

It is the most necessary component of any breakfast. It’s life fuel. I’ve dabbled in all kinds of coffee preparation. I was a hardcore french press enthusiast for a long time. I like my coffee strong, and I like the ritual of the tiny individual pot, and the actual pressing. But these days, I live in a house of real coffee enthusiasts. It’s fresh ground and stove perc’d each morning. I am (begrudgingly) the first one up most days, and I like this ritual of loading up the pot and putting it on the back burner on high – it sounds like a little rocket ship. How do you do coffee?

Not only did Doug make me an awesome breakfast, but he made me a planter for some veg!


He threatened to take all of the wood to make a quarter-pipe. But in the end he hooked me up with a way to grow some greens and peas in the back-yard without making a permanent garden.

I’m planning on doing tomatoes on the patio in big terracotta pots. And hanging some herb boxes off the side of the planter for GROWING SPACE MAXIMIZATION.


What you got growin’?